Time: 10am, 13th August, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Bo Xiang, Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of California, San Diego
Selective vibrational energy transfer between molecules in the liquid phase, a difficult process hampered by weak intermolecular forces, is achieved through polaritons formed by strong coupling between cavity photon modes and donor and acceptor molecules. Using pump-probe and two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, we found that the excitation of the upper polariton, which is composed mostly of donors, can efficiently relax to the acceptors within ~5 picoseconds. The energy-transfer efficiency can be further enhanced by increasing the cavity lifetime, suggesting that the energy transfer is a polaritonic process. This vibrational energy-transfer pathway opens doors for applications in remote chemistry, sensing mechanisms, and vibrational polariton condensation.
Brief CV of Dr. Bo Xiang:
Dr. Bo Xiang is born in Zhejiang province in 1991. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Zhejiang university, majoring in materials science and engineering. After undergrad, he went to University of California, San Diego for his PhD career under the supervision of Prof. Wei Xiong. During his PhD study, he specialized in nonlinear spectroscopy, especially two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. With the help of the spectroscopy tools, his research mainly focuses on polariton-assisted chemical reactions, quantum information transportation via vibrational strong coupling, and designing novel molecular vibrational polariton systems. He is also one of the pioneers who applied multi-dimensional spectroscopy in studying strong light-matter coupling in molecular vibrational regime.
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